Xeros is probably the strongest of the Silver Warriors. He has never lost a battle once in his life. I guess you could say he's the type women want to be with and men want to be. He's none other than the silver rose, the famous Xeros.
Theres alot to say about Xeros. He's been through so much. He appeared the night of the Silver Kingdom's destruction. He fought till he couldn't stand. Ever since Shadow Queen's re-birth, Xeros has never left the Silver Warrior's side.
Xeros started out as Kuro's partner and protector in crime. The two worked perfect together. Until love entered the picture...
Kuro, the crazy ninja girl, fell in love with a young boy and went off with him somewhere... and Xeros fell in love with Lamika's "replacement", Mystina the seductress. The two were perfect together and inseperable.
But there were many troubles coming between them. Tapion didn't trust Xeros and Xeros really didn't like Tapion back. Mystina had a choice. Her boyfriend or her best friend. The choice was decided for her though when Tapion left. But things only got worse...
Xeros had a brother. His name was Heros... and Heros was the new Dark King. This man contained much more power, beyond Xeros's strengths. Heros chose Mystina to be his bride, and the girl had no say in the matter...
I wish I could say that Xeros became the brave knight and battled Heros to win Mystina back over. But that didn't happen. Mystina was gone away from him for good. So Xeros left the Silver Warriors and hasn't been seen since...
(Bg song: No One's Like Gaston from Disney's Beauty and the Beast)