We first come along Quiote a few months after the destruction of the Silver Kingdom. This is when Keiin becomes missing. A colorful priest arrives and mentions he knows the where-abouts of the knight. Seeing as to Keiin is ACTUALLY important around this time, Lamika and Biko demand to know where he is. Quiote promises he would tell them Keiin's whereabouts under one condition: Lamika must spend the night with him.
Now knowing the young Vampire Princess, everyone thought Lamika would murder the guy. But she only laughed and mentioned the dark book of Shadow Queen. Quiote was amazed that she knew and was determined to find out where the book was hidden. Seeing as the two needed eachother, Lamika and Quiote struck up a deal. Lamika would spend the night with Quiote.
But we all know that Lamika is nick-named the Seductive Traitor. She simply gets the information she needs, teases the priest a little then sends him on his way. A big mistake for all of us.
Quiote appears three years later when Mordread, the dark prince is born. Lamika is now gone and Mystina has taken her place. She hires Quiote to tutor young Mordread so he can become a great king. He accepts the job and trains Mordread under the art of dark magic.
But later on, Mordread grows up too fast and isn't mature enough to accept his deed as prince. He takes over the throne and attempts to kick Quiote out of the Dark Kingdom. This is when the moment of truth comes along...
Quiote isn't an ordinary priest... He is the son of Luna, the Dark Goddess...
His Love Life
Quiote actually does have a love life. He's been nick-named the naughty priest because he's been with 71 women. (so far...) But has there been any he's truly liked? Maybe so...
Here we come upon Penny Valentine, a flame haired succubus. Penny enters the story when Mysty introduces her to Quiote sometime during Mordread's childhood training. She falls for him but Quiote is too far into his job he won't admit any feelings he has and decides he doesn't want to hurt her any further than he already has.
Years later, another woman steps into his life. But he carries a different relationship with this woman. Her name is Raven. She is the daughter of this priest. Whom the mother is, Quiote hasn't told. And may never tell...